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世界包 110 双肩背包SLM004

2020/8/19 17:08:18发布157次查看
  • 货源类别:现货
  • 适用性别:男
  • 材质:尼龙
  • 货号:1
  • 品牌:11
  • 型号:1
  • 加工方式:磨砂
  • 是否带锁:是
  • 硬度:其他
  • 图案:动物
  • 是否外贸:是
  • 外贸类型:进口
  • 进口地:其他
  • 是否库存:是
  • 库存类型:杂款
  • 最快出货时间:1-3天
  • 适用送礼场合:其他,生日,旅游纪念,节日,广告促销,员工福利,周年庆典,公关策划
  • 加印LOGO:可以
  • 加工定制:是
  • 功能:其他
  • 包内部结构:拉链暗袋
  • 风格:商务
  • 开盖方式:拉链
  • 里料质地:尼龙
  • 配件种类:其他
  • 肩带根数:其他
  • 流行元素:其他
  • 提拎部件:装卸式提把
  • 外袋种类:内贴袋
  • 箱包大小:中
  • 箱包形状:横款方型
  • 容量:20-35L
  • 颜色:白色
  • 尺寸:19寸

1、产品可根据客户需求订做,可更换材料、颜色,也可控制成本生产,以达客户要求。还可根据客户需求重新设计订做。/the products can be customized according to your demand, can change the material, color, can also control the cost ofproduction, to achieve your requirements. similarly, also can produce the sample you bring
2、如有需要打样,一般打样周期为3天左右不含logo,打样费为200元到500元不等,根据包的难易程度,下单满500个打样费退还。我们也可以根据客户来图、来样打版。/if you need to make a sample, usually takes about 3 days, not including logo.according to thebagof varying degrees of difficulty, the sample fee from 200 yuan to 500 yuan. as long as you order more than 500, we will refund the samples fee.
3、打样添加客户logo时,如logo需要开模,五金模一般为800元一个,胶模一般为100-200元不等,印刷单色可免费,多色印刷如面积比较大,印刷网版一般为100-2000元不等。/productionadd client logo, if the logo needs to make, a metal mold for 800 yuan, aplastic mould for 100-200 yuan, a color printing is free, multi-color printing or relatively large area, the printing fee for the 100-2000 yuan.
4、电脑包起订量都为500个每款,其余如背包,旅行包,礼品包等的起订量为1000个,可做两个颜色。/each computer package moq is 500. backpack, travel bag, gift bag, moq is 1000, can produce two color.
5、产品包装,包装时每个包有放有干燥剂,加厚pp胶袋包装,入箱数跟实际而定,采用无缝包装,外箱有双重打包带,在运输过程中更安全./product packaging, each bag f placed desiccant, with thickened plastic bags, into the box number with the actualset, adopts the seamless packaging, carton with double straps, more safety during transport.
6、付款方式:下订单时需预付30%的定金给厂方,交货前付清70%的余款给厂方后发货。/methodof payment: pay 30% deposit, balance paid before deliver。
7、售后服务:消费者在使用过程中,如有是质量问题是工厂所导致的,可返回工厂免费进行维修。如有使用问题,可随时向厂方咨询正确的使用方法。/after-sale service:in the use process, if there are any quality problems caused bythefactory, can repair free of charge



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